A Yummy Twist

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Vacation August, 2022.

This time we chose the Amalfi Coast as part of our vacation destination. We had a wonderful time! It almost seems like it was just a dream. The food, the views, the culture, the people, even all those steps, the little markets, the little stores, you will love it all!!!! There are so many restaurants to choose from and so little time. We stayed in Positano as our base and from here we took boat thrips. One day we visited Sorrento. I could have definitely spent at least 2 days there but as our schedule was so tight we took the ferry in the morning and returned the same evening. The following day we took a boat over to Capri. I felt the same that I wish we could have had more time there as well. I don’t think one day was enough at all. We rented a boat and did a tour around the Island. Unfortunately we were not able to visit the Blue Grotto due to weather conditions. That is one of my bucket list items, so that was a bit disappointing but what can we do :(….The water level was too high so it was not allowed to go in the caves, however we were able to visit other caves which were also amazing. One day we rented our own motorboat and we were able to see the shores, amazing beaches of the Amalfi coast. The weather was super hot and very humid, so being on the water is probably one of the best things one can do. There are way too many amazing restaurant choices. I don’t think you can go wrong with any of them. None of them disappointed. As we had only a few days it was such a hard decision to make which restaurant to pick and where to eat. Oh, and don’t forget most restaurants are so booked that it’s hard to get reservations, specially at the ones with the gorgeous views. The seafood dishes are a must! We did not have one dish we did not absolutely love! I already want to go back. We definitely fall in love with this region and we can’t wait to be back. Next time we will have to plan a few nights in each place. I also think that we might go in September and hopefully it would not be as hot and humid as it was in August. I would suggest anybody to put this on their vacation destinations to visit in their lifetime! You will go home with lasting memories, you will never forget!