A Yummy Twist

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Artichoke with a Yummy dip

Artichokes are one of my favorit appetizers or just snacks. They are absolutely delicious. There are many different ways to prep them. I will admit this is probably the lazy option but once you serve it with a special dip, it will be amazing!


  • 1 artichoke per person

  • olive oil

  • sriracha

  • italian breadcrumbs

  • 2 garlic cloves

  • 1 lemon


  • The artichoke edges are sharp, due to this I trim each leaf a bit, just cutting the tip off with a pair of scissors

  • I cut the bottom of the artichoke off to make it flat

  • I place all the artichokes in a big soup pot, then fill it with water to the point it reaches only half of the artichokes

  • boil it for long enough to make sure it’s soft, I would say at least 40 minutes but sometimes more depending on the size of artichoke and also how soft they are. Just pull a leaf off to test to make sure it’s soft. You put the leaf in your mouth and pull on it with your teeth.

  • Once cooked take them out

  • put olive oil in a small glass dish, add 2 garlic cloves pressed, half of a squeezed lemon, 1 teaspoon of sriracha, and a teaspoon of italian breadcrumbs. Mix it together and use it as your dip.

Bon Apetit!