Dill Sauce

In my own experience this sauce is so amazing but definitely compliments salmon or any fish but also chicken.

There was not one person who did not love this sauce I served this to.

Please give it a try and let me know your experience!


  • 2-3 shallots

  • A bunch of dill

  • Bouillon - (beef flavour or flavour of your choice)

  • Marsala wine ½ of a cup

  • Red crushed pepper

  • Half and half 


-   Cut up shallots fine and sauté the until browned

-   Add in the rest of the 1 bunch of dill cut up fine

-   Add 1 teaspoon of bouillon

-   Add ½ of a cup marsala wine and cook for a few minutes

-   Add in 1 teaspoon of red crushed pepper

-   After a few minutes add in 1 cup of half and half

  • Remove and put this all in a blender. Bland it for a few minutes util the sauce is fine and place it on the side.


Peppercorn mushroom sauce


Summer Salad with Pear