A Yummy Twist

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Filet Mignon with Peppercorn Mushroom sauce

This dish will blow your mind! 

Filet mignon is one of my favorite meats. One of the best places to purchase it is in Trader Joe’s. They have great quality meat.

It will absolutely melt in your mouth. The Peppercorn mushroom sauce will stimulate your taste buds. You will think you are in Heaven down here on Earth :)

You can serve it with mashed potatoes, baked potatoes, rice, salad, roasted veggies, it is truly your preference and you can’t go wrong.

Have fun with it and enjoy this absolutely delicious meal! 

Peppercorn mushroom sauce ingredients:

-   3 shallots

-   Oregano

-   Thyme

-   Butter

-   Oil

-   Mustard

-   Green peppercorn (if you can’t find this you can use a teaspoonful of capers, however even they are similar in taste, they are not the same)

-   Marsala wine

-   1 box of baby portobello mushrooms (or mushroom of your choice)

-   Black pepper

-   Salt (or bouillon)

-   Half and half (light)


-   Cut up the shallots fine

-   Sauté the shallots in a large frying pan until lightly browned

-   Add in your spices: a pinch of oregano, a pinch of thyme, a pinch of black pepper, a pinch of salt or instead of salt you can use 1 teaspoon of bouillon

-   Mix this together

-   Add in half of a butter cube

-   Add in a teaspoon of mustard of your choice

-   When the butter is melted add in ½ of a cup marsala wine

-   Add in about 4- 5 mushrooms cut up in small pieces

-   Once this is cooked, put it in a blender and blend it until it’s very smooth. (I use the Nutri Bullet Blender Combo. Best Deal in Costco. It does a really good job with everything.)

-   Add it back into the frying pan and add in ½ of a cup half and half and mix it up

-   In the meantime, cut the mushrooms into small pieces and add it now to the sauce

-   Cook this until the mushrooms are soft and stir it. This should thicken up. You can add more cream if you think the disch calls for it.

-   Add in a teaspoon of green peppercorn and cook it for another few minutes

-   Once it’s cooked, take it off the heat and put a top on it.


 Filet mignon –

-   get two pieces of nice filets (1 per person, if they are more than 2 inches in thickness you can also cut them in half)

-   Dry it with a napkin and put it on a plate.

-   Put balsamic vinegar and a little ponzu on top and ground black pepper just enough there is some left below the meat, and you can keep turning the meat around in this mixture every few minutes. Repeat this a few times.

-   Once your sauce and potatoes are done, heat up the grill and once it’s hot put the steaks on the grill. Grill it on each side for about 8 minutes. We also grill each side for another 3-4 minutes. You will need to check to make sure it’s cooked to your taste. This usually results in a medium-rare filet mignon, but it also depends on thickness of the meat.

-   Once you are ready serve it, put it on the plate and you can add the peppercorn mushroom sauce on the top of the meat or on the side (whichever your preference)


Ps. How your steaks come out depends on a few things, the thickness of the meat for the most part is very important, so please take that into consideration. If you have a thinner piece, use less grilling time and if the steak is thicker, it will need a bit more time. Also depends on if you like your meat, rare, medium-rare, medium or well done. Refer to Steak Temperature Chart


 Garlic, Artichoke hearts, Habanero mashed potatoes

-   Cut up 3 large potatoes into small pieces

-   Add this into a pot and cover it up with water at least 1 inch above the potatoes

-   Add 1 teaspoon of salt

-   Boil the potatoes until soft

-   Pour the water off the potatoes

-   Add in 2 minced cloves of garlic

-   Add in about 5 artichoke hearts cup up into small pieces

-   Add in 2 slices of habanero pepper cut up into small pieces or 1 teaspoon of habanero sauce

-   Add in ½ of a butter stick

-   Add in ½ of a cup milk and mix this well together. (Add salt or milk if it’s needed)


You can service the filet mignon with the sauce and potatoes and a nice side salad



Summer Salad


-   Mixed lettuce

-   1 tomato or small cherry tomatoes

-   1 pear

-   Asparagus

-   1 lemon

-   Shaved almonds



-   Wash salad and place it on a small plate

-   Put the tomatoes nicely on the top

-   Cut up the asparagus and add it nicely on top of the salad

-   Cut up the pears and add the slices nicely around the salad

-   Sprinkle the almonds on the top of the salad

-   Add a slice of lemon for decoration on the top

-   You can also sprinkle parmesan cheese on the top

-   Serve it with homemade dressing


Salad Dressing:

-   Add in a blender half of a cup olive oil

-   1 squeezed lemon juice

-   1 teaspoon of siracha

-   1 tablespoon of chimichurri

-   4 pieces of artichoke hearts

-   A pinch of salt

-   1 teaspoon of balsamic vinegar

-   1 teaspoon of honey

-   And ½ of cup of water

-   Blend this into a creamy dressing.


If you would like just a bit of a lighter version, you can leave the artichoke hearts out and add one more lemon in.


Bon Appetit!