A Yummy Twist

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Rotisserie Chicken with Baked potato

Rotiesserie Chicken - most people would think this is booooorrriiiinnnng :)))

Well let’s make this exciting. I love to experiment with chicken. You can create a different outcome each time. You can use vegetables, fruits or both and your chicken will be so delicious. In this recipe I was focusing on apples, vegetables, chimichurri, and thyme. Did you know that thyme has many...many amazing health benefits? Research it. It’s one of my favorit new herbs to use in my kitchen. It makes pretty much everything more delicious. The most time consuming thing is to prepare the chicken, but once you are done with that, you can just put it in the oven and check on it every often, and you will be amazed by the delicious outcome! 

You can serve it with salads, vegetables, mashed potatoes, baked potatoes, rice - whatever you desire! Enjoy!


·  1 whole organic chicken (I usually buy it from Trader Joes)

·  Cherry tomatoes

·  A few new baby carrots

·  2 shallots

·  2 apples

·  Carrots – 2-3 pieces

·  Celery – 2-3 stalks

·  Chimichurri

·  Bouillon or salt (your preference)

·  Black pepper

·  Thyme

·  Stone ground mustard or Dijon

·  Sriracha



·  Prepare a roasting pan, put tin foil to cover the bottom and the sides

·  Take the chicken out from the wrapping, wash it well and dry it with a paper towel.

·  Place the chicken breast side up and under the skin separate it from breasts very carefully without breaking it.

·  Cut up both apples, carrots, celery, tomatoes in halves,

·  Place 2 tablespoons of chimichurri under the bottom of the pan and on top of this add 1 full sliced apple.

·  Place the chicken on top, breast side up

·  Put 2 tablespoons of chimichurri all over the chicken and 1 on each side of the breasts under the skin and carefully rub it under there so that it covers the entire breast. This will keep it moist and tasty.

·  Put the cut-up shallots, apples, the celery, tomatoes, bell peppers, carrots around the chicken and on top and also stuff some in the hole.

·  Sprinkle the thyme all over on top and ground black pepper.

·  I put 1 teaspoon of bouillon in a glass bowl, mixed it with 1 teaspoon of mustard, sriracha, 2 tablespoons of grapeseed oil and mixed this together well and poured it all over on top.

·  Cover it in Tin Foil and put it in the oven. Heat the oven to 375 degrees, and I bake it at this temperature for an hour.

·  In an hour remove the tinfoil and carefully push everything from the top of the chicken to the side. 

Make sure with a baster that all parts of the chicken and the vegetables are moist. Put it back in the oven and bake it another ½ an hour at 350 degrees. After ½ hour baste it again and bake it until the skin is nice and brown.

Baked Potato:

1. Get 1 large potato for each person

2. Wash it well

3. Wrap it in tinfoil tight and with a knife punch holes into it a few places each side

4. Bake it for an hour

5. You can serve it with just a little bit of olive oil (healthy way), or dry, or with butter, sour cream or cheese. It’s your choice! You can also put some vegetables with the sauce from the chicken, which are all healthy ingredients and will make your potato delicious.


Roasted Brussels sprouts:

1. Cut up about 2 cups of brussels sprouts in halves per person (or one if you would like less)

2. Wash it well and drain this

3. Add 2 tablespoon of oil, 2 cloves of minced garlic

4. 1 teaspoon of bouillon (better than bouillon brand) or salt to your taste

5. 1 teaspoon of mustard

6. 1 teaspoon of sriracha

7. Mix this all together

8. Add ½ 2 tablespoon of white wine

9. At 350 warm up the oven with a skillet inside. When the skillet is hot, add in the brussels sprouts and roast them until they are soft (probably ½ hour) make sure you check on them and stir them every 10 minutes or so that they don’t burn

Summer corn

1. Take the husk off and put the corn in a soup pot and cover it with water.

2.Put it on top of the stove on high heat and cook it until the water starts boiling. Then you can turn off the heat. Serve it with butter or with chimichurri.