A Yummy Twist

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Salmon with Dill Sauce

FISH.. who does not love salmon? okay….okay ….I know not everybody loves Salmon BUT if you tried this version I promise you will never forget about it.

The “Dill Sauce” enhances all the flavors and you can’t help but want more!

I will have some other options coming up soon, to prepare Salmon in different ways,  but I wanted to introduce this first as my very favorit!

I love to serve it with garlic mashed potatoes with artichoke hearts and spicy green beans. It will not disappoint! 

Enjoy! Would love to hear what you think! 


-   Salmon- prefer wild Atlantic salmon

-   1 bunch of fresh dill

-   2 shallots

-   1 cup of half and half

-   Bouillon

-   ½ of a cup marsala wine

-   Crushed red pepper

-   Green beans (I usually grab a handful in the market for each person)

-   Potatoes - usually will prepare 1 large potato per person 

-   Artichoke hearts - 5 pieces

-   Garlic

-   Butter

-   Milk




-   Put salmon on a cookie sheet with tinfoil under

-   Mix 3 cloves of garlic, 3 tablespoons of olive oil, ½ of a lemon juice, 2-3 pieces of dill cut up fine, 1 teaspoon of bouillon together. Then spread this all over on the fish.

-   Heat oven to 350 degrees

-   Once it reached the temperature put salmon in and cook it for about 15-20 minutes

Just check if it’s fully cooked and see if it needs few more minutes


Dill sauce:

-   Cut up shallots fine and sauté the until browned

-   Add in the rest of the 1 bunch of dill cut up fine

-   Add 1 teaspoon of bouillon

-   Add ½ of a cup marsala wine and cook for a few minutes

-   Add in 1 teaspoon of red crushed pepper

-   After a few minutes add in 1 cup of half and half

-   Remove and put this all in a blender. Bland it for a few minutes until the sauce is fine and place it on the side.


Mashed potatoes with artichoke hearts

-   Cook 3 large potatoes cut up into small pieces until it’s soft with 2 x teaspoon of salt in the water

-   Once the potatoes are soft add in 2 minced 2 cloves of garlic, ½ of a butter stick, ½ of a cup milk, 5 pieces of artichoke hearts cup up into small pieces


Garlic chili green beans

  • Take the ends off of the green beans

  • Heat up the frying pan and once it’s hot put the beans in with 2 cloves of minced garlic with 2 teaspoons of chili sauce and cook it on high heat while you are stirring it. You can add a little bit of water.

  • Once beans are fully cooked to your preference you can remove them from the stove

Bon Appetit!