Detox Lentil soup

Lentils….I know not everybody loves them, but you can make them taste really amazing.

They are full of vitamins, fiber with so many health benefits. You can prepare them in so many different ways. I do get excited every time I come up with a new way of making them.

This time I added so many great spices and vegetables with detox benefits, and this  is the reason I named it: Detox Lentil soup

They are also very filling. I usually make a pot and eat it for lunch as long as it lasts. I never get bored with it. If you like leftovers, it’s the perfect thing to do :)


-   Organic lentils

-   1 onion

-   1 red bell pepper

-   2 garlic

-   2 stalks of celery

-   4 carrots

-   2 parsnips

-   ½ cabbage head

-   2 zucchinis (long)

-   Garlic chili sauce

-   Cilantro

-   Oregano

-   Thyme

-   Beef or vegetable bouillon

-   Lemon

-   ½ cup of red wine


                 -      cut up the onion fine and sauté on 2 tbsp. of oil (grapeseed oil preferred)

-   Cut up ½ of the red bell pepper and add to sauté

-   Add 2 clove of garlic

-   Add 1 teaspoon of oregano and 1 teaspoon of thyme

-   Add the cut-up carrots and parsnips and sauté for few more minutes

-   Add in 2 stalks of celery cut up

-   Add in 1 bag of lentils and 2 cups of water

-   Add 1 tbsp. of bouillon, bring it to a boil and cook this for 20 minutes covered up after boiling lower heat to medium (You can substitute with regular or celery salt instead of the bouillon however I think it definitely is tastier.)

-   Add in 2 cups of water (and taste it and add salt or bouillon accordingly)

-   Add 1 tbsp. of garlic chili sauce

-   Then add in ½ of a cup wine - cook for 15 more minutes (make sure the lentils are not overcooked, so if they are almost ready move on to the next step instead of cooking for another 15 minutes)

-   Add in the cut up the cabbage

-   Cook it for 5 more minutes

-   Then add in the cut-up zucchinis and cook it for 5 more minutes

-   Now it should be all done, taste to make sure the lentils are soft – turn off the heat and add in the cut-up cilantro and add in 1 lemon – squeezed juice. Let it sit under the cover and then serve.

-You can serve as is or you can add sour cream!

– Bon Appetit


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