Hungarian Pea Soup

Hungarian Pea Soup is easy with few ingredients and an amazing soup to make.

If you love peas this is definitely a must make recipe on the list! 

I have a funny story. My daughter when she was about 10 had a friend over. They were at the kitchen table doing homework. She asks, what are you making, it smells so good? I said Hungarian Pea Soup. I said do you like peas? She said, yes I love them, can I have some? I said of course. I served them dinner and she is just shoving her spoon from one side to the other. I said, do you not like it? I told her, you don’t have to eat it. 

She said, no it’s absolutely delicious, just one problem, it has too many peas….:)))))


-   2-3 tablespoon of oil

-   Flour (rice or regular…I usually use rice to make it GF)

-   2 tablespoons of Hungarian paprika

-   3-4 carrots

-   2 parsnips

-   Cilantro

-   Bouillon or salt

-   Pepper

-   2 bags of petite green peas (organic if possible)

-   1 egg

- option - 2 chicken breasts if you would like to add protein



-   Mix 2-3 tablespoon of oil with half of a cup rice flour and start browning this mix on low heat

-   Once it is browned a little take it off the heat and add in 2 tablespoons of Hungarian paprika and mix it all together

-         Pull the pot on the side and add 2 cups of water in the pot and stir until the mixture is very smooth 

-   Once it’s very smooth put it back on the stove on very low heat and add in the cut-up carrots and parsnips and mix it all together

-   Add in 2 tablespoons of bouillon and mix it together. Also add 1 teaspoon ground pepper.

-   You can add in your peas and water to the 3-liter mark on the pot

- If you wish to add chicken add it in now

-   You can adjust the heat to medium to high but stir it every few minutes to make sure that it stays smooth.

-   In a bowl on the side mix 1 cup of rice flour and 1 egg and add a pinch of salt and start mixing this together into a ball. Make it halfway hard and if it is sticky just add a little more flour.  This mixture will be graded into your noodles.

You can also use orzo instead or choice of your noodles.

-   Once all the vegetables are soft, bring the soup to a low boil and you can start grading the noodles into the pot. Once it’s all graded in the soup, boil it for another minute or two and then you can turn the heat off. Put a top on the pot.

-As a “Twist” Cut up your cilantro fine and as the last step add it in the soup. Cover it back up and let it sit for about 10 minutes prior to serving.


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