Roasted Potatoes


● 1 bag of small red or yellow potatoes (preferred)

● Oil

● Chimichurri (optional)

● If you are not using chimichurri you can add oil, garlic,thyme, salt, pepper and stir the potatoes in this mix

● Cut the red potatoes in halves (they are already small pieces so if they are slightly bigger you want to cut the about 1" in size)

● Wash the potatoes well. I marinated the potatoes in chimichurri sauce, you can find the recipe here. You can also use about 3 tbsp. of grapeseed oil, garlic, salt, pepper, thyme. Mix them well and spread it out on a cookie sheet on tinfoil. Warm the oven to 350 degrees and put the potatoes in the oven. Check on them frequently and turn them around about every 10-15 minutes to make sure they don't burn, and they get nice golden on all sides.


Steel-Cut Oatmeal with fresh berries


Roasted Brussel Sprouts